SLFND Committees work with the Board of Directors to carry out committee work corresponding with the three broad outcome areas of the organization. We invite you to join any of our committees.
To join a committee, please send an email expressing your interest to [email protected]
EDUCATION & CULTURE COMMITTEEThe Education & Culture Committee seeks to support conversation for the over all development of early childhood in Sierra Leone. Committee will recommendations to the Board of Directors and staff on issues like teaching materials & curriculum design, the welfare of the children and teaching staff, research, writing and publications, health education and other education related needs like libraries and global learning initiatives. We invite you to submit your name and email address to be added to this committee.
ECONOMICS & FINANCE COMMITTEEThe Economics & Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors and staff management on issues related to our cooperative model of building wealth from a grassroots planning. In collaboration with the village communities, members propose a social enterprise, together we assess, implement when appropriate. We currently have seven cooperatives we would like to invest in and support communities realize their own potentials. We invite you to submit your name and email address to be added to this committee.